Catholic Church H. Joannes de Doper Hoofddorp
St. John the Baptist Church & Parish
Our church was built in 1856 in Hoofddorp and is now a flourishing parish with more than 10,000 parishioners, six choirs and over 300 volunteers. The parish is a true international community with people from over 40 countries. The parish consists of a beautiful Church, parish house with a chapel on the first floor. Here you can find also the Parish Office for all your questions.
Our parish is also the home to a small congretation of SVD (Societas Verbi Divini). Divine Word Missionaries. Four fathers of SVD are supporting the parish and other missionary tasks within the SVD society in The Netherlands.
Church open for prayer
Church open for prayer, meditation or to light a candle
Monday until Saturday between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm
All Souls day November 2nd – church open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm for prayer
Schedule Weekly Masses and Prayers Hoofddorp Netherlands
Eucharistieviering (Dutch)
Saturday 7:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am
Tuesday 7:15 pm Holy Mass
Thursday at 7:15 pm Holy Mass
English Holy Mass
Every Sunday 12:00 pm
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday the Filipino Community FCCN-H is supporting the English Mass
Praying the Rosary
Dutch – Every Tuesday and Thursday evening at our church at 11:00 am.
English – Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm (starting Wednesday october 5th 2022) – Link to page on How to pray the Rosary
Eucharistia en Español / Spanish Holy Mass
Every first Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm
Intentions for Prayer during the English mass
You can submit your personal intentions for prayer during masses online via this page on our website.
Eucharistic Adoration and Mass (dutch)
Every first Friday of the month at 11:00 am in our church
Annual Campaign KerkBalans
Parishes in the Netherlands do not receive any financial support. Nor from Rome nor from our diocese. Indeed, every year it is our shared responsibility to make sure we keep financially sound. We believe it is worth to support our growing community in Hoofddorp. Together with all churches in the Netherlands we do organise a yearly fundriser event called ‘Kerkbalans’. We trust all parishioners who attend our Dutch as well as our English masses will contribute. May we count on you as well? A reasonable amount? We would say what you would spend as annual contribution to your hobby or sports club. However, any contribution given with a warm heart is very welcome.
With your help you do support your John the Baptist church in 2023 and in the years to come.
Thank you very much! You can participate in this campaign via this link.
Celebrate Lent & Easter with us
During Lent and Easter we have various activities and holy mass celebrations. Have a look at the schedule on our website. Also, when you regsiter at our parish office, you will receive the parish magazine with all details and schedules in our parish.
Contact the International English Speaking Community Team
If you want to contact us regarding Sacraments, If you would like to have your child baptized or register your child for First Holy Communion or Confirmation, please contact the Priest after Mass or contact volunteer, Siobhan Regering, at for more information. Also if you want to join the Internal Choir, volunteer for the stream team, becoming a lector or altar boy or girl or any other way to help growing our community.
Parish Office
For all your questions, registration, intentions for mass etc.
Kruisweg 1073 – 2131CT Hoofddorp
Phone: 023-5638145
Open: Monday to Fridays 09:00 am -12:00 pm
Registration John the Baptist parish
Welcome at our parish. It would be great if you register at our parish. You will be kept informed about all activities and receive the parish magazine at home. Together we form an active English Speaking Community. Please use the form on the right side and send it to our parish office.
Caritas in our Church
Weekly collection for the local Food Bank
At our Church we collect food for the local food bank in Hoofddorp. If you want to contribute, please place these items in the baskets located at the back of the Church.
Buurtkastje – Community Box
Have you seen our new Community Box? We are highlighting not only our care for our local community but also food waste, under the motto: “Give what you don’t need and take what you do need”
Green Church
Recycling of clothes and used cooking oil in the containers on our church square. The rood of our church is covered with solar pannels to cover up to 80% of our electicity requirements.
Collection for Ukraine
Every Wednesday from 10:00-12:00 at the garage next to the parish office.
Visting parishioners
There is a team of volunteers that are visting parishoners that are ill or can’t travel to church because they are old or disabled. More details about this team, see their website: Bezoekgroep Joannes de Doper.
Volunteering at our Parish
We are blessed with a very active parish with many volunteers. Also, the English-speaking church community is expanding, and we would like to draw your attention to some voluntary activities. You can help us with the Mass readings, join our choir, make coffee and tea for after Mass, help us on charity projects (Caritas) or as a Pass-keeper. If you are interested, please contact Siobhan Regtering-Kerr ( or Ruby Cumba ( both from our Parish.
International Choir of St. John the Baptist
A small group of enthusiastic singers gathered to sing during the weekly English Holy Mass on Sundays in our church. As Covid limited the level of singing in churches, the choir is still a small group that hopefully will grow as soon as lock down measures have been lifted. More details and contact go to the Choir page on this website.
Livestreams Sunday Holy Mass Netherlands
Every Sunday at 12:00 noon at our Church via livestream. Vist our YouTube channel and subcribe.
Support our local Parish
Please do support our missionary parish by a small donation. This way we can can keep working to support people in need, offer our services to many people in Hoofddorp. You can donate through our online donation module. Thanks you for your support.
Biblical Garden
Garden behind the Church with more than 50 sculptures, plants and trees from the Bible. Open daily from sunrise to sunset.
Information about guided tours through the garden please contact the bookshop.
Kids and Youth
A flourishing parish can not exist without kids and youth. Many activities take place such as family services, children’s choir, youth group M25 etc. But also groups who prepare for baptism, the first communion, conformation. More details you can find on our website (in Dutch). Kids & Youth
Wednesday evening Meals
In the basement of the church (Het Fundament) we organise every wednesday evening a meal for people to connect. This starts at 6pm and registration upfromn would be appreciated. The cost of the meal is 6 euros.
More details (in Dutch) about registration see the page of Het Fundament.